Just a buzzzzz.... sharing thoughts that have been a blessing to me...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Seriously, I can't believe I've created a Blog... I mean, I'm too old for this! And it I were going to have a blog it should be Busy Bee's Blog, cause who has time for this?  I really just wanted to stalk the "I heart faces" posts... and learn a little more about photography, and a link was needed... so here I am. I can't say I haven't thought about a blog before, you know, all those things that run through your head... but in 'my day' those thoughts were just for personal reflection...  and maybe share them with those you love, as a way to understand each other more... but never ever put them out there for everyone to see. I think I'm too private for that. So alas, my blog may only be for me. And for anyone that gets sucked into reading it, let me apologize in advance, it may not make sense, and it will most definitely ramble.  But if you do read any further... I hope you will see that underneath it all, my faith in God and Jesus who died for me, and my need for the Spirit to guide me is real. Well, I've blogged... crazy!